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avril lavigne happy ending

  let s talk this over
it s not like were dead
was it somethiing i did
was it something you said
don t leave me hanging
in a city so dead
held up so high
on such a breakable thread

CH1:         you were all the things i thought i knew

          and i thought we could be
CH:  you were everything everything that i wanted
            we were meant to be suppose to be but we lost it
           all of our memories so close to me just fade
away all this time you were pretending
so much for my happy ending.

i know what they say
they tell you i m difficult
but so are they
but they don t know me
do they even know you
all the things you hide from me all the shit that you did
CH1and CH2

Posté le 07.03.2013 à 10:06 - nombre de commentaires : 1  Nombre de vues : 509
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